This Month's Biblical Theme Is: Take Root
God’s faithfulness is seen in each of the stories this month. David, Elijah and Daniel were all protected and cared for. Even in exile, Ezekiel prophesied hope for Jerusalem’s restoration, symbolized by dry bones coming to life. Despite Israel’s disobedience, God remained steadfast — guiding, providing and protecting His people. No matter the trial, God is faithful.
Bible Passage: Ezekiel 37
Focus Verses: Ezekiel 36:26; Romans 5:12; Galatians 2:20
Ezekiel was taken to Babylon in one of several exiles of Judah by King Nebuchadnezzar. Ezekiel prophesied Jerusalem’s destruction and later shared messages of hope for Judah and Israel’s restoration. God gave him a vision of a valley of dry bones. When Ezekiel obeyed God’s instructions and spoke to the bones, God miraculously breathed life into them and returned them to human form, symbolizing the revival of God’s people. God assured Ezekiel that Judah and Israel would be restored from exile. After 70 years, God fulfilled His promise and allowed the Jews to return to their homeland, where they rebuilt Jerusalem and the temple. Only God could bring dead, dry bones to life and turn them into an army! The Bible tells us that we are dead in our sin. Only God can change death to life. He made a way for us to trust in Jesus as our Savior so He could give us new life.
Who is in charge of life and death? God is the giver of all life. Death came into the world because of sin, but God is greater than death. He gives us new life through Jesus and gives us the opportunity to have eternal life.
How can God give us new life? The Bible says we are spiritually dead in our sins. We are separated from God. Jesus died on the cross and rose again, making a way for us to be forgiven. When we trust in Him, we have new life in Him and can live with Him forever.
What does God want me to know about Him, and what does this mean for my life?Ask your child this question, answers will vary.