Kids Rock 45

Week of January 26, 2025

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Bible Story

THIS MONTH’S BIBLICAL THEME IS: Jesus is Fully God and Fully Man

This month, all our stories reveal the hypostatic union, or how Jesus is both God and man. Jesus grew up as a human kid learning about God but also amazing everyone with His godly wisdom. Jesus faced temptations just like any human, but He resisted them and proved His divine strength and authority. Jesus explained to Nicodemus that to have eternal life, Nicodemus needed to believe in Him as God’s Son. Jesus forgave sins and healed a paralyzed man, demonstrating His divine power and authority, while also showing His compassion and care as a human.

Friends Bring a Man to Jesus

Bible Passage: Mark 2:1-12

Jesus was teaching In Capernaum and so many people gathered that there was no room even at the doorway. Four friends brought their paralyzed friend on a mat, but the crowd blocked their way. They climbed the house, made a hole in the roof, and lowered their friend to Jesus. Jesus saw their faith and forgave the paralyzed man's sins. Some doubted. Jesus, knew their thoughts and proved His authority by healing the man. The crowd praised God for this extraordinary event. 

Only God can forgive sins. Only God has the power to miraculously heal. Jesus showed the people He is truly God. The men wanted to get their friend to Jesus so their friend could walk again, but Jesus did so much more. Each of us sin. We think, say or do things that disobey God. We are separated from Him, but when Jesus died and rose again, He made a way for us to be forgiven and live with Him forever. We must believe He is the Son of God who came to heal and forgive.