THIS MONTH’S BIBLICAL THEME IS: Jesus is Fully God and Fully Man
This month, all our stories reveal the hypostatic union, or how Jesus is both God and man. Jesus grew up as a human kid learning about God but also amazing everyone with His godly wisdom. Jesus faced temptations just like any human, but He resisted them and proved His divine strength and authority. Jesus explained to Nicodemus that to have eternal life, Nicodemus needed to believe in Him as God’s Son. Jesus forgave sins and healed a paralyzed man, demonstrating His divine power and authority, while also showing His compassion and care as a human.
Jesus' Temptation
Luke 4:1-15
When He was about thirty years old, Jesus began His ministry, showing and teaching people about God. Baptized by His cousin, John, Jesus faced temptations from the devil in the wilderness. The devil, God's enemy, tempted Jesus with food, power over kingdoms and testing God's protection. Despite hunger, Jesus stayed true to God's Word, resisting the devil's lies. He emphasized worshiping God alone. After overcoming these trials, Jesus continued teaching about God's kingdom.
Jesus was tempted in very real ways and said no every time. Jesus never sinned. He is holy and perfect, which is the reason He could be the One to die for our sin. In the Old Testament, the priests would sacrifice a spotless lamb to ask forgiveness for the people’s sin. Jesus was the perfect sacrifice for our sin, making a way for us to be forgiven and live with God forever.